Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, Friday, Fry-day?... Mmm, fries...

Well, it's been one whole week since I swore off of my e-mail, forums, and messenger systems. The deal is that I am making myself take off two whole weeks away from internet society, to 'cleanse' myself away from the addicting effects of social interaction. I just wanted to disappear for a while, and then come back.
One more week to go, and I can't wait for it to end...
[Fasting is a common ritual in many cultures. In a way, I'm 'internet fasting' right now.]

Today is Friday.
I didn't have to go into work today, since it's an 'earned day off' for all the Sherritt yahoos, and my supervisor doesn't plan on doing anything today. So, I booked today off.
Currently at work, I'm training a bunch of kids to be my future replacements. Hopefully I teach them right, and they become dependable enough that I can ask the boss to cut back my hours each week, so I work more of a part-time schedule.
One of the new guys, named Ron Wood, is really cool. He's cute, has a LOT in common with me, is young, and is definately worthy in my eyes for being a potential man for any of the girls in my family. I would want him to date them. He already knows Steph and Jamie, indirectly from past meetings, and is now becoming a good friend at work. He's only 18ish though, but he holds a lot of promise for a farmer boy.

I was kidnapped by Chris to go to Jamies' dads' place for dinner. Over there, I hung out, everyone there (John, the dad; Richard; Chris; and Jamie) was having a good time. John was in a good mood and happy for the unexpected company. They ordered Chinese food that I liked (none of that crappy, watery noodle shit), and made me go pick it up! ^_^ (They paid of course!)
We had a good sit down together, and I actually sat at a table for once! O_o
Scary, I know...
After reading fortune cookies, we played on their GameCube system, playing Smash Brothers 3 or something, where I was actually allowed to practice the controls for 5 seconds before being vaporized. I learned fast enough to kill them a few times, but I can't match their gaming experience. Ah me, gettin' old...

Chris wanted to go check out a bar, and since he's 18, that's okay. I took him and Jamie with me to a bar called 'Heroes', a sports bar, located by the old McDonalds restaurant in town here.
Not a real great place, just felt like a spacious truck stop really, but the guys serving us were especially couteous and well-mannered. We had just eaten, so a few drinks and an order of calamari rings and fries was all we wanted. Unfortunately, the new group besides us was one of those sketchy groups, the type full of potential crack-heads, so we asked for the bill early and scrambled out of there, before anything happened.

I had an okay day today. Bought myself some booze for at home, a rarity these days. I'll be playing some online games this weekend, among a few other things.
I have to cash my advance check, and it's only 600 bucks, 500 of which is for next months rent, the rest is for the automatic withdrawals for car insurance.
Found out from my Grandma Richey that my tax return will be $1200 some bucks. A huge return, which I think MUST be wrong, but she insists it's right. Said I was over-taxed or something when I was working at the 7-11 store.
I'll be looking into saving up for school and a future house, repairing my truck (gas tank at least), and possibly getting some dental work done for myself, to repair my front tooth that's split in half. Either that, or I'll yank it out myself and get a mechanical tooth made up, one that chews food for me. Heh heh, evil technology...

One more week to go, then I can check my e-mails... God, it's gonna be a long wait...
Sorry Rinni, I miss you and your forums, and I didn't mean to disappear like this, but it's for the best. Trying to shake off a few 'clutchers' (needy people that gripe and bitch at you non-stop online), and just to take a break to look at life offline for a bit. I'll be back and RP-ing with ya again soon enough! I pwomise! n_n

Later ya all!

Oh yeah, Jamie has to go see a dentist or something tomorrow, about a tooth that hurts, cuz she grinded her teeth too many times while sleeping. Or something. Yeah...
I'm gonna sleep in. Yayz! (Or, get conscripted into driving her in...)

1 comment:

Autumnbear said...

Lol, I just got back from the store. Her tooth is hurting bad. Thank god she's getting it looked at tomorrow.
Women are tough, but I myself am used to constant searing pain; I know she's tough but I also know she doesn't like to put up with the same stuff I do.
Shoppers Drug Mart was closed, so the only place open, with Tylenol or Advil, is that 7-11 store. I don't know what she needed, so I got her extra strenght Tylenol and regular Aspirin (it's what they had; apparently she can have either. Phew.).

Poor Jamie. Told her to grab me if she needs anything at all.
Welp, back to 'relaxing', lol.