Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Morning Update

It's Wednesday morning, and I thought I'd quickly post something before I go to work.

We lost yet another person on our crew. That Owen creep, is now officially on with Sherritt directly, and is going to be a plant operators underling for a while. I highly doubt he'll come back to us, even if he fails the probationary period as a new hiree.
So, we're down to: Tammy(Sherritt woman), Ray(Sherritt, 19 yr old), Devon(Sherritt 19yr old), Jim(G&S), Doug(G&S), Bea(G&S, old girl who is sposed to do just gardening), Jamie(schooling), and me.
The Sherritt kids don't work hard, Doug and Jim always get to do jobs that incolve driving around all morning for tools, then dog-fucking all day. Bea is always working solo, doing her gardening preparations. It's nice when Jamie is actually at work, but even when she is, she's usually being loaned out to help work for the scaffolders. Me, I'm all on my own here, sweeping and stuff.

Fortunately, yesterday I had help from Jamie for once. We were sweeping/cleaning out ditches, just full of grit and mud. One ditch alone had a small dump trucks worth of grit and shit in it.

I've been upset these past two days. Weather is gray and foggy, like my head. Feel better today, though.

Yesterday evening the girls inm y house baked cookies (I stole one!). I laid on the couch and took a nap yesterday, something I almost never do.
I just stole another cookie this morning, heh heh, and I'm about to header out for work again.

Oh, one last thing. Steph, muh half-sis up here, just favourited my blog. Meaning one more set of eyes will join the super-secret ring of knowledge, those who are few in number and get to read about some of my inner workings and moods.
Later peeps.

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