Monday, April 28, 2008

Sam Is Moving Back In... ~_~

Samantha, our 14 year old 'run-a-way', that refuses to listen to authority. Yup, she's been kicked out of her 'friends' place and is now on the streets, or has been, on the streets, for a while now.
So of course her mother wants her back, no matter what.
Today is Sam's first official day back home.

I have nothing against Sam. I love her, in an obligatory/sibling kind of way. Beyond that, she's nothing special to me, just a thorn in most of my families side. I truly must be horrible for saying that, but it's true. That's how I see things.

Jamie is terribly upset. Sam is known for stealing things from her room, and lying about it, and doing shit that Jamie herself would never have gotten away with. I can't blame Jamie at all for feeling a slight hatred for her own sister. That's one of the reasons I tried so hard to repair her rooms' broken lock, so that she could keep her sister out when she wasn't home.
Right now Jamie is in the city of Edmonton with Cigi, apparently buying a safe for her room. Although Jamie works tomorrow, I doubt she'll be coming home tonight. When I say she's upset, I mean she's royally pissed. Pissed off to the point where I know she wants to move out again, despite her plans for this spring/summer.
Jamie wants to go camping with her dad, and take my sister Stephanie to the Anime-thon in August, and finish her schooling, and continue working, and and and... Now, if she feels forced to move out, I wonder how many of her 'optional' wishes, like schooling, will be canceled or put on hold.

I sent Jamie an E-mail this morning, before I left for work. In it I said some things I've been meaning to say for a while. But, it's in her habits to neglect e-mails, and I doubt she'll ever read it. However, I'll keep my fingers crossed, as it says things I can't find the strength to say in person all the time.

Damn. We were all so happy a few days ago. Jamie wore a dress and paraded in front of everyone (I meekly said that I shouldn't see her in a dress in front of the family, because it would embarrass her). I took the boys out swimming on Saturday again, bills are all good, things were getting good, we were all happy...
Now this. Just a big upset to our current life. God Sam! Why can't you just get along and be good? Everyone is stressing right now: Laurie, Steph, Jamie, Tony, me... It's just too much.

So, yeah. That's todays big update. Later guys.

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