Thursday, May 15, 2008

O-kay... >_>

Well, there was a guy at work a while ago, anmed John, who've I've posted about before. He's a great guy, a father figure at work, who had to leave for a while due to his mum dying on him.
I saw him for the first time the other day, when Tony (my brother) and I went to 7-11 for some pop. He spoke to me, and he sounds so sad and depressed... He can't come back to work for a bit: apparently he's still grieving.

I have plans this weekend to get Shawn's tattoo done, but now that HE may be grieving over his uncle, I don't know if he plans to maintain those plans.

John (Jamie's dad this time) sent me an e-mail. WooT! ^_^
He invited me out for a beer this weekend. I returned an e-mail to him, containing some much needed-to-be-said private info that I hope he takes well.

Today at work I got to drive a bob-cat again (skid-steer). Picking up grit in ditches. There's a LOT of grit in ditches at work...
While driving, I passed Larry St Amand, the boss that made it so I couldn't drive for a while, due to me stunting. he waved and I waved, and he drove off, so hopefully I'm not in shit for driving equipment now... >_>
I have a feeling though that everything is all good though, since I've been busting my balls and being a good boy at work.

Stephanie is mad today, and I got into a tiff with her. Apparently, I'm not allowed to come upstairs and play on my Playstation when there's nothing on T.V.. Had a fight with her, but I don't care. She's just a bratty sister, nothing more, and I have every right to stretch out in my own home and have some fun for once. Since she's so unhappy today, she wants to be left alone to channel-surf at her leisure.
Tough titty said the kitty when the milk went shitty.

Dunno what else to say. Night guys.

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