Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mittlewoche (Midweek)

Day two and counting. Jamie is staying at her dads house right now, and is most likely not coming to work this week.
She's already told Kim and Laurie that she's planning on quitting her job, moving in with her dad, and going back to school.

On the plus side, every day that she's been away, she's called our house, and asked specifically to talk to me. I told her that I love her on day one when she called. I told her not to feel bad for wanting to improve her own life, and that I'm not disappointed that she wants to quit her job out there. I explained that I want to see her grow and be happy, and that getting her High School Diploma is very important, not only for her, but to me as well. We had a nice long talk on the phone. I wish we could do that more often.
Today she called for me again. She sounds simply terrible... She told me now she's kind of 'iffy' about moving in with her dad, and that she might stay here at my place for a while longer. However, I'm pretty sure that she'll still quit her job at Sherritt. As long as I can still be a part of her life, and talk and see her every once in a while, I'd be a happy camper. Really. She fills my life with joy when she's happy.

Jamies mother, Kim, is going a little batty right now. It's bad enough that she's a full time alchoholic. She's currently fighting with Dale, a 50-something year old ex-Hell's Angel friend, because he's going through some hard times, and expects Kim and Laurie to buy his beer all the time for him. Kim is very upset, that now all four of her children are apparently leaving home. The two boys of hers lives with her ex-husband, and now Jamie is talking about moving in with him. Samantha, who can't come home until she apologizes for stealing and disrespecting her drunk mother, is staying at one of her school friends houses.
Kim is, quite literally, a nut house right now. A life time of her stress, plus the apparent 'desertion' of her children, and her own social life problems, have all added up. She's just laughing to herself all day today. Laurie, my mum, says that Kim goes for some councilling next week.

Me, well, I feel much better after talking with Jamie. Also, Stephanie has been recently aloof to everyone. I just reconnected with her today.
However, with family issues, and now Kim is going a little crazy, and added stress and worry...
I'm not gonna let it bother me. If Jamie quits Sherritt (thank God if she does, th place is not good for her) I may just nose-dive into my own career change.
At the Dow Centennial Centre (the new sports-plex building) is a massage/physiotherapist studio. I've been eyeing that place for some time already. I might apply for a job there, maybe help them run the place and clean up after their work is done, and learn from the source what it's like to be a massuesse. Or, I could just do a desperate fling, get a large cash advance on my credit card, and pay for schooling right now.
I need a little more time. I want a little more time. I know I want something better, something I enjoy doing and something I'm good at. Right now, RIGHT now, isn't the best time. But I can feel it coming soon.

Feels like my depression is lifted. A simple phone call can work wonders, as long as it's the one person you want to talk to. However, right now, without her I feel a big void in my life. Stephanie can give me the love and comfort I need, but not the extra love and the extra comfort I seek.

Rinni, my Australian friend, has been very kind and supportive over the last little while. Thank you for being very patient with me, my sweet dear. I forget that there are others who are important to me as well, and when I'm depressed like that, I tend to go blind in those areas. I can only see the strongest light in my life, and yet, I'm still surrounded by a sea of stars, who continue to shine daily. Only, their light is often hidden behind the glow of brighter stars. Still, you all continue to shine and offer me light to find my way, should I seek it. Thank you.

So, basic summary.
I am a nut, who is in love with his adopt-a-sister, Jamie McDavid.
I am too scared and shy to tell her so, in the fear of scaring her away, even though I should know better that she most likely feels a little, if not the same, way back for me.
My two mums are both going through their own relationship struggles, and right now, with Kims nervous breakdown, things are a little tense at home.
It's extremely cold and msierable outside, and everyone is sick, thus adding to the stress. Plus, all of my jobs are outside jobs right now.
My truck, for some reason, lost it's battery. I got the dimensions for a new one today, now, I just have to wait a day or two before I can get my money and buy a new battery. Until then, I'm walking to work. ^_^
My friends rarely talk to me anymore, and even if they did, we wouldn't really have much to talk about, except for 'Hey, that girl you've been trying to get your whole life? Heh heh, yeah... I'm in love with her too' type of thing. My other friends are never on MSN or the other chat systems, and their schedules and lives are completely separate from my own. Other work friends are turning out to be sleazeballs, and the few truly good ones that I have regular contact with are all absent from my life, due to this recent outbreak of the flu.

I'm tired of being down. I was, for a good chunk of today, in a really good mood. I posted on Rinni's super secret RP site today. Now, I just have to wait for her to get up (crazy Australian timezones) and make a reply or something.
Think I'll go snuggle with pig-pen (Steph) for a bit. I'm just waiting for Jamie to come on over for some clothes. She's got a bunch of mail here. Oh, I also have to get her to fill out her time card, so she can get paid for the many days that she actually showed up for work this month.

Okay pig (pig-pen), I'm comin' up to tackle-glomph you!
Later guys and gals. Tomorrow (or later) should be a much better post, and an even better mood.

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