Friday, May 25, 2007

Random awesome super-freakin' cool game!


Remember what it's called, because it'll blow you puzzle freaks away. <- This is the link my friends, to the main page.

You'll be able to make an avatar and walk around a Runescape-ish world in Bedtime City, the world of Warbears.

There's missions to be done. Only two so far, each mission being a flash game. You control a team of up to four bears, who must work together to overcome many obstacles and complete their mission.

This game is a fiendish logic game, where consequences are very real and are a must to consider. Take your time, bend your mind, and experiment. A lot. It consumed my morning, this game, and I only managed to beat both missions with a ranking of C.

I just love freaky puzzle/action games. Hope you enjoy this game.

P.S. My Bedtime City avatars' name is Autumnbear. Did you expect it to be aything else? O_x

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