Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oops! I almost killed somebody! O_o

Alrighty. Two days ago, during a furniture move, one of our 'substitute' foremen called me over halfway through our job.
'David, tomorrow I need you guys to go over to Loadout and deal with a pigeon problem. It's on top of some scaffolding, inside a huge air duct. I can't take you over there right now to show you the job, so if you have time later, go over and see what you need to do it tomorrow.' I never had time to go scope out the job.
Well, yesterday, me and a newer guy on our crew went over to the job. Up on top of this scaffold, inside the wall on the second/third story of this building, is a huge air duct, as big as a small room. Inside, is at least a half foot deep carpet of dead birds, nests, and bird shit. Gross stuff.
Well, we got our permit, did the hazard assessment sheets and all that safety crap... My partner, Ron, is a greenhorn still, and only I on the whole entire plant even knows and understands the proper pigeon procedure, since it is an extreme biohazard.
We begin scraping and cleaning the edge of this thing, so I can crawl inside of it to do the real clean-up, when our substitute boss comes by and pulls me away for a Manwatch job. I had to leave Ron on his own to do the job.
Now, apparently, the ledge we weren't supposed to go on? Well, it just happened to be the entire air duct that we had to clean out. Seems the whole thing was rusty or something. The boss dropped me off for safety supplies, and mentioned that we weren't supposed to be inside the duct after all. I quickly told him to rush over and tell Ron to stay out. Too late. Ron and I had already cleaned the outside of the duct when I was pulled away, leaving the inside as priority.
Ron climbed in, and the ducting broke under his weight, but just in a spot. Half his lower torso, legs, and bum fell through. He dangled about 10 feet off of a lower ledge that was inside the building, where the air duct overhung. He pulled himself in again okay, dusted himself off, and was otherwise unhurt, but still... The potential for tragedy was there.

An incident report will be created soon. The substitue supervisor is at fault for not showing us the job and clearly reminding or telling us of the non-pigeon hazards involved with the job. The permit issuer is in shit, for not coming out to clearly see what kind of job we had to do, before issuing the permit. I'll be in a little shit, since I was in charge of the permit and safety assessment, and was called away from a greenhorn to do another job. Ron will be in shit for knowingly working alone, as ordered, and for entering the duct, which apparently, is also now a confined space, which nobody said that it was in the first place.

So, no big deal. Nothing happened, and it's the Sherritt way to ignore incidents like this one, and cover it up. [Shrugs.]


Felt like a zombie at work today. No energy at all. We moved shutdown trailers, office furniture, and had to stay late to mop up an indoor water spill from a water line that burst.
I went hungry all day long... [Pout, pout, pout...]
So. After work, I KIDNAPPED Jamie and Tony, and took them out to McDonalds. Yay! ^_^

My ANIME finally came in. It is indeed the cartoon version of forbidden romance. I just hope it has english sub-titles. O_o
Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo suru. 'I love my little sister', but on this box simply shortened to and called 'Secret Sweethearts'. It's a tale of twins, who are going through what I'm going through right now. Doubt, shame, pride, certainty...
It'll be a good sitting.

I already got a notice saying that Jamie's cosplay stuff should be in tomorrow. I get a lot of parcels, and since no-ones home usually during the day time, the post master gives us those doorknob tags, which are actually reciepts that you have to take in to the post office to redeem your package.
So, I told Jamie that some, if not all, of her cosplay will be in tomorrow. She is positively thrilled! That's at least two weeks ahead of schedule. Looks like those costume makers in China had lots of time after all to make her stuff.
Jamie plans on doing her final exam tomorrow morning, then coming in to work for the afternoon. After work, she'll come along with me to the post office, and I'll get to teach her how to recieve mail from that place. Cool huh?

Anyway, it's supper time right now. Later guys.

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