Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mission Complete, Beatch! ^_^


Guess what I did?!!!
Well, guessing that I completed what I aimed to get done for today is absolutely correct-o-mungo!
I managed to not only get my eye exam, but I bought TWO stylish new glasses today (with the loving help of my dear half-sister Stephanie, my 'fashion' consultant), but I ALSO bought myself a digital camcorder!

I spent $520.33 for those two pairs of glasses. The eye exam cost exactly 70 bucks, and it had to be in cash, for the eye doctor.
I went to Wal-Mart for my glasses. They have a Walmart Vision Centre there, but the eye-exam doctor doesn't work for Wal-Mart, hence the reason HE had to be payed in cash.
I'll have to wait one week for those glasses to come in. They're being made and ordered as I type.
As for the camcorder... Ummm... Lost the reciept. Ah well. It was about $730, roughly. Totally worth it.
I'll be able to take up to 7 hours of continuous footage in high-quality, or up to 27 hours in Long Play (LP), or, crappy quality footage. Awesomeness!

I'm geeking out right now, playing with it, and currently uplaoding a sample video on YouTube. It took a while to figure out how to actually upload it to my computer (Istructions? Who needs those!?). I eventually figured it out of course, and am now happily typing away! Isn't it great!?

I celebrated my big expenditure today by spending even more money. I took Steph, my shopping buddy, out to Dairy Queen for some ice cream and food, then I snuck her down with me in my truck down to the river road, where I let her practice a lot of driving. I took her out to a back-road highway, where the speed limit goes up to 80KM, and let her have some fun. She does good, really.
I also bought her some new foundation make-up that she wanted at Walmart.


Pudgy, my cat, totally spazzed today. She crawled into the bag with Stephs new make-up, and freaked out when she sniffed it. She got caught in the bag, and ran like a rocket all around my house, running into and up the wall even! I'm dead serious. My battery on my camcorder was charging at the time, and I completely missed it.
She's okay now, but my cat has always been skittish and easily spooked.

Anyways, still playing with new toys, so I'll check in later. Bye!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Small Updates

Okay peeps, and this even goes to my foreign friends...
If it's anytime near or after 10pm of my local area time-zone (GMT, -7 hour deviation), AND it's a weekday, I'm either in bed, or going to bed. Don't expect an instant-messenger reply, mmmkay? ^_^

Alrighty, now for the posting fun!

Today at work I had to manwatch some welders today, as they climbed into a very large, industrial fan. The job was finished, and the guy was climbing down a ladder, where I was standing to help support it and keep it from swaying...
He dropped a tool. It landed on my owie... ~_~
My damned, sore foot. Right exactly where it was hit. Behind the safety of a steel toe, and dead-centre of where the original injury happened. My foot swelled up instantly. Not cool.
On a plus note, the bruise is fading away. It's still huge, but it's fading away.

I am really, really hoping I'm in a good mood tomorrow. For over a month I've put it off, again and again, due to weather and bad moods.
I am resolved to buy a digital camcorder AND at least buy the frames for a new pair of glasses. I want to spruce up my image, so I don't look like a 40 year old ghetto trash kind of guy. While at heart I'll always be an earthy kind of geek, I need to update my looks slightly, so I can at least fit in and look good for others.
I just don't want to go too extreme and make myself look too preppy or too modern, as it wouldn't suit my personality, and it would DEFINATELY make me uncomfortable.
So, I intend to buy two pairs of glasses: one for work, and one for being human in public. I also need to have a digital camera that can record longer videos than what digital picture cameras can take, so that's why I need a camcorder. It's so I can start up a video diary, let my foreign family members see and hear me, and also to show off muh sexy body to my Aussie friend. Mrawr! ^_^

That's it, small update for now.
Oh, I think Shawn Harding is coming back up to the Fort very soon to stay again. I'll let you know how that turns out. I know he is gonna have a job when he gets back, and that his life should be more geared towards shaping his own future.

Anyways, laterz peeps.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I is flirting at work? With GIRLS?... O_o

Got your attentions now, didn't I?

Today at work, I got to play around a little, and display intimate behaviour to female friends at work.
Intimate Back Massage. For all to see.

She was complaining of a sore back, and I mentioned that I was a little tired out, since I had stayed up late the night before giving massages to my sister Stephanie.
Ooh. Cigi piped up, saying quite cutely that maybe I had promised HER a massage.
I grinned, and said 'mebbe', and at first nothing happened. I went back to work, and didn't get to see her until lunch break.

Lunch break finally came, and... Well, the topic came up again, and she said I owed her a good rub. So, I smiled and grinned sheepishly, and when she was in conversation, I snuck over to her.
I began to give her a slow and soothing rub-down at work, in our lunch-roo, for all to see.

It's no secret that I think she's cute. I have no feelings for her... but she is cute, and I would play around with her, if I had the confidence.
I began rubbing the stiffness out of her neck. I gave an exploratory peek, and looked down the back of her shirt. She has a tattoo of a butterfly at the base of her neck, right on top of her shoulder blades.
Putty in my hands... I worked on her for a while, smoothing out her shoulder blades and working up to the base of her skull at the top of her neck, tendons and nerves flowing between my fingers. I was a little awkward myself, as it was my first time actually physically touching her so closely like this, but I did well I think.
The others in the lunch room made the standard ''woo hoo' remarks, and talks about the two of us shacking up for a one-night stand. Here I was, beet red in real life, still rubbing her down as she giggled in my hands.

Heh heh. Wait till the family hears the story tomorrow. Nobody knows, and Jamie was at school today, so tomorrow will be interesting when she gets back to work. Tales of me fondling women at work are bound to follow me home tomorrow, so... yeah. I may not live long! n_n


My foot is still swollen and bruised, and only hurts if I touch it on top, where it was hit and crushed yesterday.
I'm certain that it can't be broken, as I can still wiggle my toes. But my mum thinks it is, so... well, like I said before, if it gets worse, I'll go see a doctor.

Today at work I jack-hammered more frozen asphalt and dirt, and I also got to enter an excavation, where that metal box is in, and had to use a pick-axe to smash a giant slab of concrete/frozen muck that the backhoe couldn't reach. Ah, good times. I got a good workout today, sweating like a pig and working my body hard.
Mmm, hard... Cigi in my hands... ^_^
Just kidding. >_<
She told me I better give her another back-rub at work soon. I told her 'mebbe'... I did so with a grin, and a rosy glow burning on my face!

Laterz people. Shawn Hale is here at my place, hanging out in Tonys' room.
He should have been here earlier, when Tony and his girlfriend Kayla were secretly having sex...
Shh... I never told no-one! If Tony gets found out, he gets yelled at! O_o
I is a good/bad big brother, just wanted you to know!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I broke muh foot! O_o

Kinda. It's very possible I broke my foot today. I can still walk on it, but it hurts, a lot, and it's swollen and bruised.
Today at work, I was forced into the role of job leader, directing a job that nobody on our crew has done before. With the recent kinda-sorta nice weather, it's time to do some road repairs, and that means, finally, we can repair a busted fire hydrant line at work.

They did an excavation around this fire hydrant, which has a nice long vertical pipe that sticks deep into the ground. At a certain point, there is a 90 degree angle elbow, and the pipe travels horizontally under the roads.
The bend in the pipe froze and broke apart, mucking up the soil underground and forcing the plant to shut down that particular water line. It's been a little minor problem all winter. So, today, after the soil was removed, it's time to do something about it.
Now, since it's an excavation, and people have to work basically underground, we have to set up certain safety precautions, in case the sides of the pit decide to collapse. We have to install a big old box, a metal shoring, into this trench/excavation/pit/hole or whatever you want to call it.

The box is so tall, that we found out we couldn't lift it off the ground. The boom on our backhoe doesn't extend that far. I had to take off one layer or section off the bottom of this metal box.
Me and a guy named Jim pulled the pins, and man-handled this big old thing around. Unfortunately, the box slipped, and the blocks of wood it was seated on, gave way, and it fell onto me.
The box landed on that curved chunk of bone on the top of your foot. After pinning my foot down, it slid, rolling my foot to the left and forcing me into a sitting position. All the weight was on my bone.
Yeah, it did hurt, but I got up, and was able to walk on it, and finish the job. The pain subsided, and I didn't even think twice about it.
Later in the day however, my foot swelled up, and it began to hurt again. I took my boots off, and besides a pink fleshy point of impact mark, there was no bruising. So I went back to work.

Right now, my entire foot is bruised, and it's stiff and sore. I can flew my toes, but it hurts a little, but at least I can do it.
If anything is broken, it's a redundant bone, or maybe a small bone chip off the top. No worries. I'm told that if the pain continues tomorrow, that I should go see a doctor or something. Pfft, whatever. I'll go if I have to. I hate doctors! ^_^


Jamie is talking with me again. Thank god. I figured I may have upset her or something, but I tried my best to listen to Rinnis' advice, and I made sure to be there for my sis if she needed me.
The past few days she's been a lot better to me. It's almost like old times again, where we were laughing, mentally sparring, and cracking jokes all the time.
Currently, she is studying for her exam for tomorrow. Social Studies, all on economics and theories. She's been asking me to help her on some ideas and questions, which, despite being out of school for almost 10 years, have happily tried to help my best.
She'll do fine, I told her. Just got to loosen up a little, and not worry so much. It's only a test, and although it is important, it's not the end of the world. She'll still have a supportive and loving family, even if she doesn't do so well on it.
I have total confidence in her though. She's maintaining 80's as her score in that subject. Homeschooling, Social, very hard to do, and she's got 80's. Wow. ^_^

Tony is busy playing video games all the time, and is having more and more friends over all the time. He may as well. He can't work, since mum won't let him, as his school is his priority. So gaming is all he can do really. Even though he's 18, he's not into the bar scene yet. Oh Tony... That'll change.

I gave Steph a back and footrub today, as per request. I don't mind giving them, as long as feet are clean, and I'm offered tips or suggestions for improvement. So far all I have in my hands is a ball of putty. No complaints or feedback at all, so I know I'm still doing something right. Lol.

Mum is still happy about her tattoos, and keeps on cabbing. Her mate, Kim, is usually better at being at home when the family shows up, but recently Kims sister Shiela (a crazy bitch) has been around, so Kims been out drinking with her. Ah well...


I'm thinking in a soon-to-come post, I'll mention a bit more of my own background, and a few sensitive areas of my own youth. Just to post it out into the open. I don't care if you guys read it or not. You can't change the past. n_n
So Maryanne, you might hear a few more things that ya don't really wanna hear. But that's okay. I'm sure you have a dirty, sordid kinky past to share too! Look who's sleeping in your house with you, after all. My dad, the sex pervert... Lol. Like bees to honey, he's secretly attracted to dirty, sex fiends. Mebbe that's you, lol? >_<

Oh. I booked the first two weeks of August off, so I CAN go to BC this summer.I don't expect to be out there for the full two weeks, nor spend all two weeks with my family at all. I just have that time period booked off.
I will need a few days off after my vacation to relax and settle back in at home, after all.

Kay. Bed time. I'll update soon enough. Laterz.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Drinkin' After Work

Well, today started off a little 'blah' for me. I just didn't want to wake up, or go to work, especially after my nice 3 day weekend. n_n
Well, especially since Rinni, my aussie friend, started chatting with me this morning about 15 minutes before I had to leave. Aww, she made my day feel better, just by being herself and saying hi to me! Thanks Lady!

Today at work, all I did was toss broken wooden pallets into dumpsters in our wood recycle yard at the plant, and the rest of the day I worked in-doors, moving boxes upom boxes of office files back and forth. Fun fun fun!

Even though I sort of hate Owen for being a dirty man-slut and womanizer, I must say, for the last few weeks he's smartened up a lot. He's still a dirty pig, but he isn't nearly as bad as he used to be. He knows to tone it down around us, and that if he does womanize, he knows our views on it, so he's been quiet about that part of his life.
At work, he's picked up his socks a little, and actually improved. He doesn't cry that much anymore about how crappy his life is, and I think he's even realizing that he has to suck it up, and pull up his socks a little bit. Good things happen to those who want the opportunities and are willing to work hard for them.

I drove home from work, and immediately after parking, I got kidnapped by Owen and the new older lady named Tammy who's on our crew. They're renting my boss' work truck, paying 200 bucks a month to drive it for personal use, so they seem happy now.
They picked me up, me still in dirty work clothes, and took me out for a drink. Hey! I actually agreed to go and do something spontaneous!

We went to a local pub where I felt comfortable, and, well, I indulged a little. Several beer and two silver tequila shooters later, I was feeling pretty good. >_<
Tammy as an older lady, well, I know she's got a kind of crush on me. Not interested myself, but I know she thinks I'm cute and sexy, well, who doesn't? ^_^
So, naturally, I'm a flirt myself. I can play, it's just I'm definately not interested.
They're all talking about sex, and when their first times were. Then they asked me when my first times were.
Nu uh. Drunk as I can be, I have a naturally defensive mind, like a sniper. I told them I couldn't divulge in that information, just that I was really young when I started.
So, we finished up our drinks, and I went home. There, I slept for 4 hours, almost missed having supper completely, and then just watched a movie that reflects my own life very eerily. It's called the Real Life of Dan or something, some kind of romantic comedy thing. About being in love with people that, for many reasons, you shouldn't or can't be in love with. Sheesh. If the similarities between the main character and me weren't enough...

Today at work, I got a brief flash show!
Cigi. We were all talking about big butts. Cigi, well, she chose to prove that her bum wasn't so big, so she pulled down her sweat pants, revealing very nice, white undies, which I just so happened to see! ^_^
Bad. Bad bear!
Keep in mind, earlier Cigi said she had a dream about me.
Well, she also said that in her dream, I threw a knife at her, and it stuck in her chest. I did throw a knife at work one day (butter knife) into my open locker, and it did almost scare her. Guess she's just saying I'm cute or something.
Sorry Cigi. You're cute and all, and I'd have lots of fun with ya, but I need something meaningful, and I have no feelings for you besides mutual friendship.

Meh. Goin' to bed now. I'm upset because my favourite forum sites have updated with new servers. It's SUPPOSED to e-mail me with an instant e-mail after any reply to comments I make, but, it hasn't been doing that. So... that means all those nice comments I make, are getting replied to, but I'm not getting my e-mails. Means while I wait for someone to reply, 30 other people have probably done so already, and they all freak out since I'm not able to reply when it's relevant for me to do so.

Night folks.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter? Pfft. ~_~

Yesterday was a waste of a day. Easter was not celebrated this year.
All we have planned is a trip to Kims' ex-husbands place, for an Easter dinner. That's it.
No magical chocolate easter eggs, no games or funny hats and baskets. Just a meal. ~_~

I want my chocolate, dammit.


My kinda-sorta-not really brother Chris seems to have hurt his finger, and since I can't get through to him online, I have a million questions to ask him. He posted on his MSN status message that he was hurt, then he posted he was at the hospital, and some other slightly informative messages. I'm concerned, of course, and I have no way to reach him, as he's never home, and always at school/work/out with friends.

I'll get to see him tomorrow though, at the 'family' dinner. Hopefully he's okay.


My little niece, who turned 7 last week (and I forgot all about it), is here today, with her own mother, my step-sister Michelle.
The family bought KFC chicken for dinner, and as I eat it, I keep thinking about how nasty and dirty chickens are with their skins friend on them.
Greasy, sweaty, feather germs and crud baked right in. Mmm, yummy...
I like chicken, but not fried. I like it chopped up, and made into stews, soups, or meat pies. Mmm, pie... ^_^
So, my niece Michaela (Mick-ay-la) is upstairs right now, talking about her childhood boyfriend. Apparently he's 8, has every game available for the Playstation, even has a cellphone (at the age of 8!???). He likes to fight, but as a redeeming trait, he fights older boys who pick on her at school. Her as in my niece. He seems to like her, and protects her at school.
Isn't that sweet? n_n
So, she whipped out a pic of him, and he's a cute boy I suppose, slight gap in his teeth, but handsome. I jokingly said upstairs that we should get early wedding gifts prepared. ^_^


Nothing I can post about right now. Nothing I can share yet anyway.
Luv ya all, and I'll try to post again soon. Cyaz!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Tony!

Yesterday, on March 18th, 2008, was my brother Tony's 18th birthday.
Happy Birthday Tony!
As typical, he's too 'manly' and 'cool' to celebrate his birthday, so he just waved us all off. I know, however, that secretly inside he likes a little of all the attention and fuss. Just a little... ^_^
I wanted to take him out yesterday, if not for a quick drink then at least some fast food. Sadly, he just wanted to play 'World of War-crack',so he didn't want to go or do anything.

The girls in our house; Laurie, Stephanie, and Jamie, decided to go see a movie or something. Once again, I'm not told anything or included in any plans at all. Oh, they could ask me to drive them, but not if I wanted to go.
Meh, I probably wouldn't go anyway, but I'm overly-sensitive right now, and I'm reading into things.
I told my mom that I didn't want to drive them. Anywhere. So I didn't. I stayed at home, with my brother, and answered the phone all night long. Fun fun fun...

Shawn Harding deleted his level 70 Warcraft character. Gah.
But, if he's happier playing as something else instead...
If they ever make a Druid or Shaman class for Humans, I'd re-roll on that server to play on the enemy faction anyways. Until then... For the Horde!

Not much to post about today.
I'm telling the boss that I have a hang-over, since I'm feeling blah today. I'm using Tonys' birthday as an excuse. Heh.

Laterz people.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Slightly Ahead?

Hokay. I just got 500 bucks cash advance to pay for next months rent. Done.
I only owe rougly 664 bucks on my Credit Card. That's way better than over 3000. Almost done.
I have JUST over 1000 bucks saved up in my account, even though I need a small pool of cash in there at all times, to cover for my automatic withdrawals like auto insurance. Done.
Now, all I have to do is wait for my end-of-month pay cheque, cash it, and I'll be able to pay off my final credit card debt. Plus have some cash to play with. Soon to be done.

Financially, I'm doing good. Work-wise, well... As long as I'm not stuck being the top-dog at work, and I'm disposable enough not to have to handle all the pressures at work all the time, I'll be okay. I don't want to be the leader like I used to. I want the freedom to say that I'm taking two weeks of from work, and be able to do so.
Right now I'm getting nudged into my old leadership role. I'm resisting, but find myself pushed there anyway. I work too damn ard, so it's unavoidable.
Meh, whatever. As long as Jamie works at Sherritt part-time, and I can do as I please, I'll stay. I'll build up my cash, and the take those courses I wanted.

I was gonna go buy some ne glasses today, but I'm feeling 'meh', since it snowed yesterday. I hate it. It was nice all week, then it had to go ahead and snow on us. Bastards...
New glasses and a digi-cam-corder. That'd be nice. ^_^

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My mom got tattooed! O_o

Yup, Laurie got TWO tattoos on her body now.
Jamie had designed some really cool anime eyes a while ago for Laurie, and mom fell in love with them. So now they'e tattooed on her right shoulder, facing behind her!
Lauries second tattoo is her slave-girl flower design, a special flower calld a 'Dina' I believe, from her fantasy eries called 'Gor'. Yup, 'Gor', I spelled it right. It's almost like a Conan universe, but the hero is actually a normal guy from our world who was transported into the Gor universe, where he becomes a barbarian-like warrior. Anywhos'... The Dina (Dee-na) is a flower branded on all the slave-girls in that universe. Laurie now has it on her hip, where slave-girs are usually branded.

Cool, huh? Now Laurie wants more tattoos...
Oh yeah. Stephanie, my young sister (such a cutey!), got her belly-button pierced. Crazy times...

Do I have my nipple-ring yet? No...
Jealous are we? Yes Yoda, we jealous of others are.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Kay. I don't know why, but today I felt like a Million bucks at work. The gray fog has lifted from my head, and today, today was a day that I chose to be outgoing, aggressive, and happy at work.

All of my bosses are sick, so my employer, fat-bastard Gary, came in and told us all what to do today. Surprisingly, I was asked to go pick up dead birds today. Sweet! It's an easy job, one I really don't mind at all doing.
However, even though I got a permit today for the birds, I didn't get to pick up a single dead one. Nope. I was pulled away from that job.

We got to haul off lumber today: scrap wood, timbers, old pallets... Anything wood. Me, I'm in Barbarian mode, chucking things that normally would be a tad too much for me to handle alone.
I just had this energy all day long. It was very weird. I did chin-ups on ladders, chucked things even harder than usual, and had nothing but good thoughts all day long.

After the lumber job, we had to go chew away some asphalt around the base of a tank that they wanted a crane to pick up and take away. However, all the air lines in the closest building were turned off, for line repairs, so we didn't have a power source or our air jack-hammer. Wrong!
We had Davey-Power!
Using a sledge, I softened up the old asphalt, then hand-picked with a pick-axe through 6 inches of asphalt. Good times! >_<

A bunch of minor random good stuff maybe happened today too, but I just had a nap, and forgot them all.
After work, I rewarded myself with a nice strawberry sundae from Dairy Queen, for my good behaviour. I even drove Owen home, and bought him an ice cream too. Imagine that?

Meh. It won't last, this feeling, so I'm gonna go put it to good use. Later!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's been a week, I know...

Last weekend was fun. I went ou every day, I hung out with friends or people I like...
This weekend, totally blows. This whole weeks been blah too.
So how should I feel? It's like this grey haze is on my mind, suppressing me. A day or two ago I was extremely dark and self-depreciating. Today, much better, considering.

I wanted to hang with people from home today, but sure enough, the house is empty. No one was here to talk to all day long, except for my brother Tony, who himself is too busy talking to people on his internet games to get a reply from.

Recently, someone totally out of the blue, showed up. Shawn Harding, the guy who is currently staying in Red Deer for the time being. Yup, he's here right now, in fact. He'll be up in the Fort and area for a couple of weeks, which is good. I did tell him I missed him. Even if him and I had a fight at Christmas time.
He successfully got Jamie to go on MSN last night. I sent her an offline message months ago, so if it wasn't deleted, she chose to ignore it and not answer it.
Right now, they're both in the basement, playing Playstation games together.
Tony is playing Warcraft, and me, well... I don't want to do anything anymore today.
I'll appreciate hanging out with Shawn when my spirits go up again. Right now, in my blah state, I'm not really feeling up to speed to hang with him for very long. Nothing against him, it's just, I'm a gear or three behind.

My dad Mike called me up, told me that his dog Rave, who he had for ten years now, was found. It ran away the day before.
The police said she was found dead, hit by a vehicle. Clearly and understandably, my dad is upset.

Good things to go with the grey in my life this weekend.
I managed to chat it up with Nzz/Leana, Griff, Toy, and Maestro last night. Maestro is from Sherwood Park, and works for Epcor, the power company. Nzz is training to be a professional banker, Griff is a farmer, and Toy, who is an angel BTW, is working with her Aunt at security. It was strange, talking to some fellow weirdos like them all at once. Really made my day last night. >_<
I was super tired after a long day of little else yesterday. At around midnight, I try to go to sleep, but Rinni popped online and was in a talkative mood. We had a chat for an hour and fifteen minutes befoe it tapered off, and I could finally sleep again. Heh, she's a sweet-heart. It's a shame I'll never get to meet my online friends.

I'm trying to find something fun and entertaining to do tonight, to get my mind out of this funk. So far, it's getting better. Looking at cute videos on Newgrounds and YouTube helps a bit.

I'm desperately thinking about getting that digital cam-corder that I said in the past that I wanted to get. I know, I know... I never went through with it. But that's because I let other excuses rob me of my money. This time, I'll pull through.

Now that I have more contacts on my messenger lists, I get more and more random conversations. Right now, for instance, Griff just popped on to say a random 'HEY' to me. Steph is online right now too, but she's not replying to my surprise glomph yet.

I've nothing to say at this point. I'll update later if I can. Cyaz.