Monday, April 28, 2008

Sam Is Moving Back In... ~_~

Samantha, our 14 year old 'run-a-way', that refuses to listen to authority. Yup, she's been kicked out of her 'friends' place and is now on the streets, or has been, on the streets, for a while now.
So of course her mother wants her back, no matter what.
Today is Sam's first official day back home.

I have nothing against Sam. I love her, in an obligatory/sibling kind of way. Beyond that, she's nothing special to me, just a thorn in most of my families side. I truly must be horrible for saying that, but it's true. That's how I see things.

Jamie is terribly upset. Sam is known for stealing things from her room, and lying about it, and doing shit that Jamie herself would never have gotten away with. I can't blame Jamie at all for feeling a slight hatred for her own sister. That's one of the reasons I tried so hard to repair her rooms' broken lock, so that she could keep her sister out when she wasn't home.
Right now Jamie is in the city of Edmonton with Cigi, apparently buying a safe for her room. Although Jamie works tomorrow, I doubt she'll be coming home tonight. When I say she's upset, I mean she's royally pissed. Pissed off to the point where I know she wants to move out again, despite her plans for this spring/summer.
Jamie wants to go camping with her dad, and take my sister Stephanie to the Anime-thon in August, and finish her schooling, and continue working, and and and... Now, if she feels forced to move out, I wonder how many of her 'optional' wishes, like schooling, will be canceled or put on hold.

I sent Jamie an E-mail this morning, before I left for work. In it I said some things I've been meaning to say for a while. But, it's in her habits to neglect e-mails, and I doubt she'll ever read it. However, I'll keep my fingers crossed, as it says things I can't find the strength to say in person all the time.

Damn. We were all so happy a few days ago. Jamie wore a dress and paraded in front of everyone (I meekly said that I shouldn't see her in a dress in front of the family, because it would embarrass her). I took the boys out swimming on Saturday again, bills are all good, things were getting good, we were all happy...
Now this. Just a big upset to our current life. God Sam! Why can't you just get along and be good? Everyone is stressing right now: Laurie, Steph, Jamie, Tony, me... It's just too much.

So, yeah. That's todays big update. Later guys.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's Over!!! ^_^

Yay, my self-imposed self-ban on everything online, from e-mails, to messengers, and even blog sites, is over. My full two weeks are done.

I spent the morning going over 132 plus e-mails, making replies as required.
It's odd to be on messenger again. I went AFK for a few hours, leaving it running, to have like 8 guys already trying to talk to me, including my dad.

Poor pops. Hope those stitches heal fast.

So, after e-mails, I lay on one of the couches, watching 'How It Is Made' on the T.V., when Jamie walked in. She ended up spending the night at Cigis' place.
She was surprisingly open this morning, and stuff, and after spending a good half hour talking this morning, she decided her, me and Steph should go out for breakfast, which we did. The girls are now shopping for their cos-play costumes for an animethon that's coming up.
Before I dropped them off, I read to them what was on my secret note at the breakfast table. Just some quick smut, made without any real effort or anything.
Ahem, I'll read it to you, what little I wrote.:
~'The shadow gazes upon the sleeping beauty, her raven hairspilling past her silk pillow, and flowing past her shoulders onto her sheets. Only the soft rise of her breasts betrayed the death-like paleness of her white face. Her lips, swollen with the fullness of young womanhood, part slightly, a sigh escaping her tender mouth. The shadow copies her moan, feeling her thoughts, her dreams...'~
That's all I wrote on a napkin. Heh, I liked the blushy faces they put on as they got out of my truck when I dropped them off. Yup, your brother can write smut girls.

Right now I'm just chilling, planning on going out later for a burger that the girls promised me, to make up for the terrible breakfast we paid for this morning.
Tony, my brother, just got home from work right now. He's working at Sherritt too now, but only on weekends and any days-off from school that he can get. I haven't gotten to work with him except for that one weekend I got called in to scrape bird poop off of a steel framed tower. I know he's a good worker though, so it's cool.

Last night Tony had a million friends over in the basement, playing computer games, having tickle fights, etc.. His girlfriend Kayla and another girl named Stephanie also came over, to keep the boys company. I chose to stay upstairs, and lay on the couch instead.
After a nice ankle/calf/foot rub for Steph, I fell asleep on the couch. She woke me with a good kick in the bum and told me to go to bed a while after that. Grudgingly I obeyed, and stumbled down to bed, shocked that the throng of noisy kids were all gone.

Maybe I'll go for that haircut today. I'd like to go now, but I'm 'sposed to take someone with me. We talked about it at work, so I'm gonna have to wait till later, if she even still wants to go.

Mum is still doing okay, driving her cab and stuff. Kim works now and then, doing odd jobs here and there, mostly cleaning up small establishments at night or on weekends.

Grr, have to pee. Kay, umm... I'll post in a bit. Laterz! >_>

Thursday, April 24, 2008

[Yawn] Bastards...

Tired. Vewwy vewwy tired...

Been busy at work family and friends, so busy that I haven't had the energy to post recently.
Today, close to the weekend, I thought I'd scrounge some up to post.

Just want to remind the folks in beautiful B.C. that there is a slight, 1 hour, time difference between us. Me, well, ME, I sometimes have to sleep, especially after a grueling 14 and a half hour day at work. Calling after 10pm (my time, your time would be after 9pm...) means waking me up.
Now, I did want to talk with you all, I really did... Just... after a really long day, me in bed, well, my brain shuts off. Having 15 minutes of brain-deadness as sleep, to be woken up to 'talk with the fam-fam', is very hard to do.
Here I was, reaching hard from my bed, trying to maintain body warmth and a position in my bed without falling off my chair that was supporting my weight as I stayed strected out talking from my land line phone.
First my dad, then Trish, then Grams, then whoever else it was...
All I heard was that trumpet noise from Charlie Brown. Mwa mwa mwahhh...
So, I'm sorry, but if I sounded terse or zoned out, I was. I was torn out of sleepy zone. Don't wake the bears! ^_^

Kay, now for some Blogging fun.

Recently I bought some manties (men's panties; a type of thongy underwear thing). I never wore them before, and, erm... Well, I've now been wearing 'em for a bit. Unusual at first, but I got used to 'em. I even like 'em! Much more roomier than my sisters! <- Lawl, kidding. O_o Srsly.
So, going from an at-home commando and a 'brief-worker'(PUN!), I'm now into manties. The panties for MEN!
We won't get into details on how it compliments my new rough shaving job I did... O_o

Woohoo... Moving on... [Blushing]

Yeah. At work I been going in early to do snow removal, and recently got a bunch of overtime.
Work installed a new filtration tank in one of the production buildings, a virgin tank, and me and two other guys had to fill it with filter media.
This tank uses crushed walnut shells to act as a very coarse sand that strains and filters water that gets pumped into this tank. So, at work, we had to post up dozens of nut allergy signs everywhere, and figure out this project from the ground up.
We ended up doing a lot of weird things, and in the end, we got her done. I got a bunch of overtime, and am now thankful that it's over. Weekend is coming soon, thank god.

Yesterday (or was it the day before?...) I stayed that 14 and a half hour shift. Although I had supper at work (supplied for forced overtime) I came home to having supper saved for me.
Jamie saved me a plate, and as soon as I got in she happily bounced over to me and said that she left it down by my desk, and would be very mad if I didn't eat. Awww... n_n
Soya sauce bottle on my desk, a nice plate of food (lightly cold), and a smile. Thanks O-neesan, I luvs ya!

Hmmm, forgot what I was gonna write about now. Meh, it'll come to me.
Gotta go for now. Finished my shower, and Jamie and I stopped for a donair (kebab) after work today. Good stuff.
Oh yes, my brother Tony, not having school tomorrow this Friday, is coming to work with me and Jamie tomorrow. Should be interesting...


Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, Friday, Fry-day?... Mmm, fries...

Well, it's been one whole week since I swore off of my e-mail, forums, and messenger systems. The deal is that I am making myself take off two whole weeks away from internet society, to 'cleanse' myself away from the addicting effects of social interaction. I just wanted to disappear for a while, and then come back.
One more week to go, and I can't wait for it to end...
[Fasting is a common ritual in many cultures. In a way, I'm 'internet fasting' right now.]

Today is Friday.
I didn't have to go into work today, since it's an 'earned day off' for all the Sherritt yahoos, and my supervisor doesn't plan on doing anything today. So, I booked today off.
Currently at work, I'm training a bunch of kids to be my future replacements. Hopefully I teach them right, and they become dependable enough that I can ask the boss to cut back my hours each week, so I work more of a part-time schedule.
One of the new guys, named Ron Wood, is really cool. He's cute, has a LOT in common with me, is young, and is definately worthy in my eyes for being a potential man for any of the girls in my family. I would want him to date them. He already knows Steph and Jamie, indirectly from past meetings, and is now becoming a good friend at work. He's only 18ish though, but he holds a lot of promise for a farmer boy.

I was kidnapped by Chris to go to Jamies' dads' place for dinner. Over there, I hung out, everyone there (John, the dad; Richard; Chris; and Jamie) was having a good time. John was in a good mood and happy for the unexpected company. They ordered Chinese food that I liked (none of that crappy, watery noodle shit), and made me go pick it up! ^_^ (They paid of course!)
We had a good sit down together, and I actually sat at a table for once! O_o
Scary, I know...
After reading fortune cookies, we played on their GameCube system, playing Smash Brothers 3 or something, where I was actually allowed to practice the controls for 5 seconds before being vaporized. I learned fast enough to kill them a few times, but I can't match their gaming experience. Ah me, gettin' old...

Chris wanted to go check out a bar, and since he's 18, that's okay. I took him and Jamie with me to a bar called 'Heroes', a sports bar, located by the old McDonalds restaurant in town here.
Not a real great place, just felt like a spacious truck stop really, but the guys serving us were especially couteous and well-mannered. We had just eaten, so a few drinks and an order of calamari rings and fries was all we wanted. Unfortunately, the new group besides us was one of those sketchy groups, the type full of potential crack-heads, so we asked for the bill early and scrambled out of there, before anything happened.

I had an okay day today. Bought myself some booze for at home, a rarity these days. I'll be playing some online games this weekend, among a few other things.
I have to cash my advance check, and it's only 600 bucks, 500 of which is for next months rent, the rest is for the automatic withdrawals for car insurance.
Found out from my Grandma Richey that my tax return will be $1200 some bucks. A huge return, which I think MUST be wrong, but she insists it's right. Said I was over-taxed or something when I was working at the 7-11 store.
I'll be looking into saving up for school and a future house, repairing my truck (gas tank at least), and possibly getting some dental work done for myself, to repair my front tooth that's split in half. Either that, or I'll yank it out myself and get a mechanical tooth made up, one that chews food for me. Heh heh, evil technology...

One more week to go, then I can check my e-mails... God, it's gonna be a long wait...
Sorry Rinni, I miss you and your forums, and I didn't mean to disappear like this, but it's for the best. Trying to shake off a few 'clutchers' (needy people that gripe and bitch at you non-stop online), and just to take a break to look at life offline for a bit. I'll be back and RP-ing with ya again soon enough! I pwomise! n_n

Later ya all!

Oh yeah, Jamie has to go see a dentist or something tomorrow, about a tooth that hurts, cuz she grinded her teeth too many times while sleeping. Or something. Yeah...
I'm gonna sleep in. Yayz! (Or, get conscripted into driving her in...)

Monday, April 14, 2008

I went swimmin'!!!

As of right now, it's Monday afternoon. I'm actually writing about yesterday folks! ^_^

Yesterday, Sunday, we had a family BBQ at my place. Little Samantha, the 14 year old run-a-way girl, even came. It was good!
Chris and I, and Steph and Sam, had an epic sword battle out back with foam noodles. Fun fun!
They BBQ-d a bunch of steaks and stuff, and at 6pm, I took Chris, Steph, and Tony with me to go swimming at Harbor Pool, something I haven't done in 3 years or so.
Despite almost drowning, I had a blast!
I modified some swim trunks I bought in the locker room with my switchblade, and ended up cutting badly the tip of my right thumb. Ah well.

By the way, I'm not gonna go on Messenger or anything for two weeks. Period. Not checking e-mails or visiting my favourite forums either.
There is a reason for all this...

Later guys.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Morning Update

It's Wednesday morning, and I thought I'd quickly post something before I go to work.

We lost yet another person on our crew. That Owen creep, is now officially on with Sherritt directly, and is going to be a plant operators underling for a while. I highly doubt he'll come back to us, even if he fails the probationary period as a new hiree.
So, we're down to: Tammy(Sherritt woman), Ray(Sherritt, 19 yr old), Devon(Sherritt 19yr old), Jim(G&S), Doug(G&S), Bea(G&S, old girl who is sposed to do just gardening), Jamie(schooling), and me.
The Sherritt kids don't work hard, Doug and Jim always get to do jobs that incolve driving around all morning for tools, then dog-fucking all day. Bea is always working solo, doing her gardening preparations. It's nice when Jamie is actually at work, but even when she is, she's usually being loaned out to help work for the scaffolders. Me, I'm all on my own here, sweeping and stuff.

Fortunately, yesterday I had help from Jamie for once. We were sweeping/cleaning out ditches, just full of grit and mud. One ditch alone had a small dump trucks worth of grit and shit in it.

I've been upset these past two days. Weather is gray and foggy, like my head. Feel better today, though.

Yesterday evening the girls inm y house baked cookies (I stole one!). I laid on the couch and took a nap yesterday, something I almost never do.
I just stole another cookie this morning, heh heh, and I'm about to header out for work again.

Oh, one last thing. Steph, muh half-sis up here, just favourited my blog. Meaning one more set of eyes will join the super-secret ring of knowledge, those who are few in number and get to read about some of my inner workings and moods.
Later peeps.

Monday, April 7, 2008

No Hugs For You!

Awww... V_V

It's bedtime, and Jamie slowly and deliberately gave a hug to: her mum Kim, her other mum Laurie, and then to Stephanie on the couch beside me.
Me, I got a big fat raspberry, followed by a comment saying that men don't get hugs.


Goodnight peoples.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Work... Sleep. Work.... Sleep. Work...

It's been busy a twork, with two people on our crew quitting and disappearing. That leaves people like me to pick up the slack, and work even harder.
That's why I haven't posted this week. I get home, tired, look at my computer, and just sigh in frustration. I'm tired, and not in the mood. Hopefully that changes soon.

Owen, a creep from work, is getting hired on by Sherritt to work in the Leach building, where they process metal slurries. Good for him, now he's off our crew.
I don't need to listen to him telling me about his millions of conquests, or how hot he thinks Jamie looks in her coveralls anymore. Buh bye Owen. V_V

Tony, my recently turned 18 year old half-brother, is now working for my company at Sherritt. He's still schooling, so he can only work on weekends. I spent yesterday, Saturday, working with him.
I put in a 10 hour day with my bro, scraping pigeon crap off of steel girders ina fertilizer building, that is designed as a tower with a chute in it for loading up dump trucks and rail cars with fertilizer and/or salt.
Tony works, hard, and I just had to get up early this morning (Sunday) actually to drive him in again. Today is my one day off, and there's fucking snow outside again. Gross.

My new glasses are nice, and so is my web cam. Unfortunately I've been too tired to post or talk online.

I'll update again later guys. For now, I need to go back to bed.